- Learn Online Together

by HPI Knowledge Engineering Team



Learn online together. Anytime, anywhere. is the innovative platform of the German Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI), Potsdam, where companies and institutions can offer MOOCs under their own branding. It is technically based on the innovative and well-developed online learning platforms openSAP and openHPI – successful online learning platforms with hundreds of thousands users.With the HPI offers a ready-to-use technical platform and consultancy services for organizations aiming at publishing their corporate educational content to a wider audience.- Bug fixes and performance improvements

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टाइम टाइम की बात है प्रधान आज तेरा है तो उड़ ले जब मेरा टाइम आवेगा तब उड़ा देंगे Be alert

R Naresh Deora jodhpur naru saini


Ridan Abood


Ewintim Awoke

Sure I can view the courses but I cannot login ad it says my login information is incorrect. I managed to log in via the website so why do my credentials not work using the app? I also do would like to see courses in specific languages (I don't speak German or Taiwanese so those courses are useless)

Corin McCourt